Hamish O'Neill

Hey, I'm Hamish. I'm a design leader helping people:

Hey, I'm Hamish.
I'm a design leader helping people:

Lead with confidence

Take the
first step

Enable future growth

Lead with confidence

Take the
first step

Enable future growth

Lead with confidence

Take the
first step

Enable future growth

Lead with confidence

Take the
first step

Enable future growth

Hey, I'm Hamish.
I'm a design leader helping people:

Lead with confidence

Take the
first step

Enable future growth

Lead with confidence

Take the
first step

Enable future growth

1:1 mentoring calls to help you with your career growth and development.

I can help you move to the next step in your career, regardless of your background.

Leverage my extensive experience to realise your full potential.

I have over 20 years in the field of UI/UX and Product Design Leadership. I've worked in some of Melbourne's top agencies and embedded in some of Australia's biggest organisations. I'm currently focussing on the design system space, and lead a talented, multi-disciplinary team in my role as Head of Design Systems at carsales.

Supercharge your career today

15 minute intro call

15 minute intro

Learn about how I work and how I can help you.

No commitment


One hour

Let's kickstart your career development.





Two one hour calls for sustained development.






calls left at introductory rates

"Hamish is the best manager I've ever had, which is saying a lot. He possesses that incredibly rare mix of deep technical and craft expertise, the ability to understand and adapt to a broad range of problem spaces and organisational contexts, and -- most importantly -- the gift of trusting, supporting, and enabling his people so as to empower them to be their best selves.

I will remember for years to come - multiple occasions of Hamish saying "I've got your back" and actually following through with it, giving me the support I needed, and helping me through some tricky situations. I've grown so much in a mere few months of working with him, and anyone who gets to be his report, mentee, or in a position to learn from him is incredibly lucky."

Maria Sereno, Senior Design Systems Designer – Carsales

"Personally, I have found his mentorship in my career development to be invaluable, providing insightful guidance and practical strategies that have accelerated my progress beyond what I thought possible. Hamish's genuine care and support create an environment where our team thrives against the odds. I sincerely recommend him to anyone seeking career development advice or leadership mentoring guidance."

Rohan Miller, Design Systems Principal – Carsales

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